Please check my blog for
latest news and new work...

? Autoscope.
Performance, Peak District 2019 (Image Andrew P

? Mirror
gaze experiment, installation detail 2019
2019 Proximity: An inquiry into the
spatial and social elements of practice as
A series of 3 residencies and workshops organised
by a group of 7 post graduate artist researchers,
exploring practice and research methods.
Finalising in an event at Paradise works/
Manchester 13th Dec
26/10/2019 Making as paradox
I am pleased to be an invited speaker at the
annual AHRC Student Conference, which will be held
at the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art,
Newcastle. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/making-as-paradox-tickets-65520085339

Ganzfeld. Variation 1. Installation detail
From 'Seven practical experiments' at Sum
total of all the actions 2019
09/2019 Sum total of all
the actions: Annie Carpenter / Hannah Leighton
Boyce / Antony Hall / Para-lab / October 2019 /
Rogue Project Space
'Sum total of all the actions' turns the
exhibition space at Rogue Studios into a temporary
research and making space, bringing together the
work in progress of three practitioners and one
collective, all with interests ranging broadly
across the sciences, from physics to perceptual
processes and chemical reactions. Throughout
October, the group will base themselves in the
gallery to explore the interplay between
disciplines, materials and senses. http://antonyhall.net/blog/tag/sum_total_or_all_the_actions/

Ganzfeld. Variation 1. Remapping perception
workshop X-Gallery LJMU 2019
18/09/2019 Seven practical experiments workshop
A new series of works developed through an
exploration of perceptual illusion, and the
methods used in experimental psychology. By taking
part in this workshop, you will both 'experience'
the work and 'perform' the experiments; in doing
so you will become the work.
04/05/2019 Remapping perception workshop
LJMU Liverpool
workshop for artists/researchers engaging in a
wide range of practice-based and artistic research
methodologies. It aims to explore
interdisciplinary methods through a series of
provocations in embodied multisensory experience,
designed to enhance our perception and
self-awareness. The workshop provides an open
space for participants from different fields to
meet, communicate findings, share paradigms, and
explore the value of sensory perception and
awareness in our research. It also offers an
opportunity to meet Madeline Schwartzman and gain
insight into the works discussed in her new book
See Yourself X: Human Futures Expanded. Her public
lecture follows the workshop [ Places can be
booked here https://www.eventbrite.com/o/antony-hall-19862154602
Selected other....

with fluids, installation detail 2015 .
Mass No. 1, 2013. Installation
detail. Plinth, enclosed mechanisms, paint and
? Perpetual
Puddle Vortex / 2013
Owl Project 2019
We are about to embark on a new project with
Fermynwoods Contemporary Arts - The Forrest is the
Museum. We recently completed commissions for the
National Media Museum, Bradford and Prescot Museum
as part of the Meeting Point2 project [ www.owlproject.com